How to report a bug or an issue?

If you encounter a bug or issue, please contact our support and provide the following details:


Your wallet address

Find and copy it by tapping on the Multichain label on the Wallet tab.


MyTonWallet app version

You can find this in the About section or at the end of the Settings menu.


Screenshot or screen recording of the error

This helps us better understand the issue and how to resolve it.



To collect logs: reproduce the error, then go to Settings and scroll down.

  1. Reproduce the error.

  2. Navigate to Settings and scroll down.

  3. Tap the wallet version several times at the end of the menu.

  4. In the Developer Tools, click Download logs and send them to the official support chat.

The more information you provide about the issue and its circumstances, the quicker we can assist you.

We may occasionally request additional information if something is missing.